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Cecilia’s First Spanking

Hermes Solenzol

Excerpt from my novel Games of Love and Kink.

On their way back to Spain after skiing in the Alps, Cecilia and Julio have to share a hotel room. Cecilia is religious and prudish but, in the course of an intimate conversation, she discovers that she shares with Julio certain erotic fantasies.

man spanking woman over his lap
Drawing for the first cover of Games of Love and Kink

The idea that had started to form in her head was terrifying. But the temptation was irresistible.

“But if I like it, it wouldn’t be bad.”

Her heart was beating fast. She kept staring at the ceiling, not daring to look at Julio.

“Hey… Are you trying to tell me something?” said Julio, pulling on her arm to make her look at him. “Do you want me to spank you?”

She felt herself blush. She rolled to turn her back to him.

“I’m so stupid! I shouldn’t have told you anything!”

Julio grabbed her by the shoulder and shook her lightly.

“Hey, I’m sorry! The last thing I want is for you to be ashamed of what you’ve told me. I’m so happy that you did! I just don’t understand what you want… Before we came into this room, you made it perfectly clear that you didn’t want me to touch you… And now you want me to spank you?”

“Wouldn’t you like to?”

“Of course I would! But I didn’t think that’s even a possibility.”

“Well, it is now.”

“Are you sure, Cecilia? Don’t you think it would be a sin?”

“If it hurts, if I don’t feel pleasure, how could it be a sin?”

“Look here, Cecilia, I know what you are doing. You are just going around inside your pretty head looking for excuses. I’m dying to do it, I assure you. But I promised you that tonight I wouldn’t try anything with you, so I will not mislead you. Whatever you decide, you must decide for yourself, don’t come to me afterward telling me that I tricked you.”

It was true. Her own arguments failed to convince her. Guilt and desire fought each other inside her.

“The thing is… if we don’t do it now, it will never happen!” she whined. “When we go back to Madrid, I will never see you again.”

“Why not? Why shouldn’t we continue being friends? Maybe you should think about all this more calmly.”

If she let this opportunity slip away, it would never come back. She would never find that husband that knew how to discipline her in a loving way. And Julio would never find another woman that would let him spank her. That made up her mind. She wanted to give him that present, left him with an unforgettable memory. Like the first time he made love with Laura.

“Just a few slaps, on my pajamas, okay?”

Julio was looking at her with a mixture of excitement and fear.

“Okay. If you want me to stop, you only have to tell me, got it?”

“Got it.”

She couldn’t believe what was about to happen.

Julio sat up in the middle of the bed with his back straight, leaning on a pillow and the headboard. He left his legs under the covers.

“Lay down on my legs.”

Cecilia kneeled on the bed to his right. She hesitated, and for a brief moment their eyes met. Julio’s face showed desire and a certain anxiety. No, she wouldn’t chicken out now. She let herself fall across his lap. Julio’s crossed legs made her butt stick up rather obscenely. She felt his warmth. His smell intoxicated her.

Julio slapped her bottom. The thick fabric of the pajamas took all the force, so she felt only a blunt impact, not at all painful.

“How was that?”

“It didn’t hurt at all! Try hitting me harder.”

“Let’s see…”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Julio raise his hand, which landed with force on her bottom. But, once more, the spank had no effect at all. Julio hit her a few more times with the same result. It was frustrating.

It came as a sudden, unconscious decision. She grabbed the waist of her pajama and with one motion pulled her pants all the way down to her knees.

* * *

Julio was astonished to see that Cecilia had lowered her pants. He almost asked her to get up from his lap; almost told her that it had gone too far. He had promised her that he would not take advantage of her, and he took his promises seriously. But when he saw the bottom that Cecilia was offering him, he just couldn’t resist. He had often noticed that insolent plumpness under her ski jumpsuit, trying to imagine the exact shape hidden under her clothes. And now her buttocks were almost completely exposed to his eyes, because her panties had bunched between them. The naked skin seemed incredibly soft. Its pale color challenged him to turn it to pink.

He took a deep breath, caught in his indecision.

“What’s the matter?” she asked with a trembling voice.

“Nothing… Is just… that you have such a beautiful bottom. May I touch it?”

He didn’t wait for her to answer. His hand seemed to move by itself to touch that exquisite roundness. Her skin was as soft as he had imagined. It responded to his touch with goosebumps.

“No, no! Just spank me!”

She would not accept caresses, only slaps in which the pain balanced any pleasure she could feel. If he hesitated now, it would break the magic of the moment. He raised his hand high in the air and let it fall hard on her left cheek. The spank exploded like a firecracker. Cecilia squeezed her bottom, but did not complain. He immediately hit her on the right buttock. At the third blow, she couldn’t avoid moving her bottom to try to escape his hand.

“So, now it hurts, doesn’t it?”

“You bet!” she said in a faltering voice. “Go on.”

His excitement was so intense that it went to his head, getting him drunk. His cock, hidden under the blanket, was hard as a rock. His mind shot up in a torrent of punishment images. Cecilia had been a naughty girl. She made a lot of trouble on the bus. Clearly, she deserved a good spanking. He decided he had to tell her. The punishment wouldn’t be complete without a good scolding.

“So, you think this is funny, don’t you? Look, Cecilia, you had this coming a long way. You are a good girl, most of the time, but from time to time your wires get crossed and you throw some silly temper tantrums, like the one today on the bus. I couldn’t believe that you could be so selfish and arrogant. You need to be taken down a peg or two, so I’m going to spank your bottom bright red. Okay?”

* * *

The reprimand that Julio had just given her made her feel humiliated and a bit scared. Julio’s voice sounded quite stern.

“Yes, I deserve a good punishment for the stuff on the bus and for being so unkind to you when you offered me to share the room. Don’t hold back, Julio.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, then get yourself ready!”

As if to emphasize what he’d said, Julio grabbed her hip with one hand while with the other he gave her a series of quick slaps, alternating between her cheeks. The sting was sufficiently severe to keep her from thinking about anything else. Still, the spark of pain elicited by each slap had an undeniable lining of pleasure, which merged with the perverse joy from the humiliating position in which Julio held her and the idea that she was being punished like a little girl. Soon she started wiggling her bottom from side to side, up and down, as her body hopelessly tried to escape the slaps. It was some sort of obscene dance that she performed following the rhythm that Julio marked with his spanks, like the monotone rhythm of a metronome precisely warning her when the next slap was going to land. The stings of pain acquired the inevitability of destiny. Neither of them said anything, each one completely absorbed in their task: to punish and to be punished. She only let out sighs and occasional moans… whether from pain or pleasure, she didn’t know. The spanks produced a loud noise on that reverberated on the walls of the room, minor explosions that for her were as alarming as the blows themselves.

* * *

Julio had often fantasized about a situation like this, but the reality far surpassed his imagination. The sensual movements of Cecilia’s body in response to every slap. The way she contracted the buttocks, then lifted them again to offer herself to his hand. Her groans, her moans… But most of all the beautiful pink color that her skin was taking, with a warmth that stuck to his hand with each slap. All these sensations surrounded him like an intoxicating cloud of pleasure, making him wish that that exciting game would never end. However, his body had other plans. Suddenly his cock seemed to take on a life of its own and pulsed in pleasurable spasms.

Alarmed, Julio realized that he had gone too far. His ejaculation completed the sexual act that he had promised Cecilia he wouldn’t do. All he could think of was to keep her from knowing what had happened. He felt so embarrassed he just wanted to vanish. Horrified, he pushed Cecilia off his lap and jumped out of bed. Oblivious to his upset, his penis continued to pump semen into the front of his pajama pants. Squeezing it into his fist to hide it, he ran to lock himself in the bathroom.

* * *

Cecilia was left face down on the bed, not even caring to pull up her pants. Her heart was beating loudly in her ears. She was shaking. The contrast between the intensity of her interaction with Julio and her sudden loneliness filled her with confusion. She felt abandoned, rejected in the middle of that intimate act to which she had surrendered herself so completely. Without knowing exactly why, she started to cry.

Coming out of the bathroom, Julio looked at her with surprise.

“You’re crying! What’s wrong?”

He rushed to the bed. He laid beside her and hugged her from behind.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t want to hurt you that much.”

“It’s not that…” she sniffled. “Why did you leave so suddenly?”

“Oh, it’s that! Well… it was that… I couldn’t hold it anymore… I went into the bathroom so you wouldn’t see me.”

Cecilia sat up to look at him.

“Do you mean that you have… ejaculated?”

“Only a little.”

She laughed, tears still filling her eyes.

“So, that means that you got really excited.”

“I think it was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life!”

“More exciting than making love to Laura?”

“Yes, even more than that!”

That made her proud. But immediately a crushing wave of guilt invaded her.

“Oh, Julio! What have we done!”

“It’s nothing, girl, don’t worry about it… You just have taken a pretty hard spanking!”

“No, Julio, I can’t deny it! I enjoyed it as much as you did.”

“Okay, so go to confession and that should take care of that.”

“Oh, no, please! What am I going to tell don Victor? A guy spanked me and I liked it? I’ve spent years trying not to have to tell him about my fantasies!”

“You never told him?”

“I only confessed to having unchaste thoughts. He never asked for details.”

Julio hugged her again. She felt a wetness touching her bottom, contrasting with the warmth of her skin. She reached to pull up her pants.

“Please, wait,” Julio begged.

“We should…”

“Just for a second.”

She laid still while he caressed her bottom, making her feel the warmth and the sting that the spanking had left. She knew that she should refuse, make him stop, but she felt a softness inside, a docility that made it impossible to deny his desire.

“Your skin has become very soft,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes. You spanked me hard.”

She wanted him to keep touching her, maybe even dare to go further. She would let him. She was enjoying it too much. However, it was he who pulled up her pants.

“I’m sorry. I think I got carried away.”

“Don’t be silly! I also enjoyed it. I like the warmth that you left on my behind.”

“It was the most wonderful thing in the world. I only hope you won’t regret it tomorrow.”

“I don’t know how I will feel tomorrow.”

“It’s late. We better go to sleep. Do you mind if I turn off the light?”

“No, go ahead.”

Julio rolled on the bed to turn off the lamp on the bedside table.

“Good night, Cecilia.”

“Good night, Julio.”

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